

Qualibroker AG offers ANobAG professional support when it comes to taking out the insurance policies that are absolutely necessary for an ANobAG.

Employees without an employer liable to pay contributions (ANobAG)

Anyone who is resident in Switzerland and works for an employer who is not liable to pay contributions in Switzerland pays social insurance contributions as an employee without an employer liable to pay contributions (ANobAG).

Occupational benefits insurance

Anyone who works for at least one employer in Switzerland who is not subject to contributions and whose registered office is in the European Union (EU) or in the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and whose salary with this employer exceeds CHF 21,510 is subject to the occupational pension scheme (BVG).

Accident insurance

The insurance obligation pursuant to UVG also applies if you do not have an employer in the EU or EFTA.


Qualibroker AG is an independent insurance broker that acts on behalf of the Conference of Cantonal Compensation Funds as an intermediary for advice and the processing of insurance solutions for ANobAG in the area of occupational pension plans and personal insurance.

ANobAG can contact Qualibroker AG and will be advised there regarding the possible benefits from occupational pension schemes and those from the areas of accident or daily sickness benefit insurance. The offers in these areas all come from AXA Versicherungen, which submitted the best overall offer.

Qualibroker AG’s offer is not available to employers based outside the EU/EFTA (e.g. USA, India) and also not for fixed-term employment contracts. In these two cases, Stiftung Auffangeinrichtung BVG will be happy to help you.

The insurance policies prescribed by the state are mandatory. The compensation funds monitor compliance with the legal requirements.

Thanks to cooperation with Qualibroker AG, ANobAG receive not only competent advice but also adequate insurance solutions which is right in terms of content and price.

Please fill in the relevant forms and send them to us with your signature. In order for us to be able to work for you, we need a signed mandate.