Benefit from advice from specialists dedicated to your field of activity.
years of experience
managed companies
specialised contracts established
We focus all our energy on you to secure and serve national & international exchanges, optimise the quality of the supply chain and reduce the cost of guarantees for transported goods and their multiple operators. As a result, we act operationally at all times alongside the players in order to facilitate, secure and optimise transactions, thanks to the solutions best suited to risk management.
Our team of specialists has tested knowledge of your sector and its specific risks in order to strive for the best safety/service/cost ratio so that we can provide you with satisfactory answers in perfect harmony with your situation. Alternative solutions are then proposed.
Our in-depth knowledge of your field of activity has many advantages:
Direct contact with a specialist advisor in your field of activity
International insurers providing access to specific coverage
Qualibroker, a transparent partner focused on defending your interests
Make a consultation appointment.